Sunday 2 March 2014

Social Media & Work Place Policies

 In my first blog I already discussed the importance of social media at workplace and its use interdepartmentally and globally.  Here in my second blog I want to talk about the consequences of using social media at work place and what should both employers and employees know about the use of social media at work place. company)
During different time periods from past to present and  in the future employers have always had some responsibilities to assure the implementation of  all rules and regulations on labour laws, employment discrimination laws, employees’ rights, vacations laws and many other laws that exist in regards to employment. An employer always has to make sure that the employees work in a safe and secure environment free from bias, discrimination, assault and any unethical actions.   The only difference an employer would experience from past to present is that in past the concern was more on issues happening in real world while now there is the addition of issues in virtual world and  use of so many different channels of social media. Today use of social media especially at workplace does not only have pros that I already discussed in my first blog, but it also has some cons such as decreased productivity, unwanted and sometimes excessive publicity, release of confidential information, discriminatory posts, unethical use of work time and work devices for personal communications, and many other legal claims and issues related to use of social media at work place.
According to research from Silk Road; “75 Percent of employees access social media from personal mobile devices at work (silkroad news and media)
Here is a you tube video from Work span TV on “Social Media in the Workplace: Legal, Policy and Productivity” (workspan TV) WorkSpan TV)
Today with the fast growth of social media and its users, so many unique and different legal cases come up every day.  Legal system and courts face many new cases on use of social media at work place. Making decision on those cases is not very easy even though courts keep consulting electronic communication laws such as communications and telecommunications Act.
Accessiblity of social media everywhere including work place makes it easier for many workers who are having a bad day at work to make inconsiderate and spontaneous postings and comments and create issues for themselves and for their employers. blog)

 Daily news on newspapers and websites are full of stories related to employees’ use of social media and its legal consequences.
 On Aug 2011Mcmillanpublished an interesting news on its "employment and labour bulletin" that was as follows;
“Two employees employed by West Coast Mazda, an automotive detailing and accessory shop in Pitt Meadows, B.C., were terminated as a result of a series of Facebook postings described as "offensive, insulting and disrespectful." Both employees were strong supporters of a union drive, and both were Facebook friends with a manager at the company. The manager was disturbed to find that the employees' Facebook postings targeted management, the business and the products sold by the business. The employer conducted an investigation and met with each employee. In the meetings, the employees were provided copies of their Facebook postings. Both employees denied making the postings. Following the meetings, both employees were terminated”  (George Waggott, 2011)
Well, knowing that social media at workplace can be useful as well as harmful, then what should employers and employers know about the use of social media to make them cautious and inform them of the right use of social media at work place.
Here are two awareness point sheets one for employer and employee each on use of social media at workplace;

 Employers' To Do,  in regareds to employees’ use of social media at work place
  •       Have a clear policy and guideline on use of social media at work. In the policy clarify the terms of service and use of social media and the legal consequences related to misuse of social media
  •  Educate  employees to use social media within rules and regulations , especially  when staff is allowed   to use their own devices at work
  •    Ensure the employees are familiar with privacy and confidentiality policies.  
  •    Review and update employees regularly on following the recent rules and knowing the legal consequences. (google images)

Employees' To Do,  in regards to use of social media at work place
  •       Make yourself familiar with privacy, confidentiality and use of social media policies.
  •           Always be aware that any posts you make from work, your company can see that
  •           Do not post something that you would not want your boss or police to see it because chances are that they might see your post very soon
  •          Do not post any personal information or comments on employer or other employees
  •          Make sure to keep  personal and professional communications separate at work place
  •           Do not use social media to harass, intimidate, or bully other employees.
  •          Use social media respectfully and effectively
  •          Use social media within the rules and regulations of your employer
Watch this YouTube video on “Social Media and the Workplace” (Common Craft)  that talks about the power and the responsiblities of Social media for organizations and for employees.

In summary, having clear work place rules on the use of social media is very vital both in present and future times when we are dealing with many new technology and social media outlets at  work place.
Clear rules and policies can protect the employers from legal claims and extra costs and help them maintain a positive work environment. And for employees abiding by the workplace rules on use of social media is one of the factors in maintaining job security and productivity at work place. And it is vital for any period of time in present and future when we have to deal with use of many new technology and social media outlets.

Well, the best is to have fun with a safe use of social media. Here at the end of this blog we,for sure,  want to have some fun after all this serious talk about the consequences and legal issues of improper use of social media at work place. So let's read some jokes on social media and have some laugh.
I will come with new topics on social media at work place in my next blogs. So check back here for new blogs on social media & work place. (community relations)

      Social media jokes (Facebook jokes, 2014)

  •         20 years ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs. Now we have no Cash, no Hope and no Jobs. 
  •        Q: What happened after Miss New Jersey, Amy Polumbo, lost her crown due to racy pics being leaked from her Facebook Account?
     A: Amy Polumbo received a million friend requests! 
  •       "Dammit im mad" Back-Wards is still "DAMMIT IM MAD!" 
  •          I'm going to change my name on Facebook to 'Benefits', so that when you add me, it will say, "You are now friends with benefits." 
  •        In a recent interview Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg stated, "The only meat I'm eating is from things I've killed myself." It was reported that for lunch this afternoon he ate "Tom" from MySpace
  •             Oh Grandma! A dying grandma tells her grandchild, "I want to leave you my farm. That includes the barn, livestock, the harvest, the tractor, and other equipment, the farmhouse and $24,548,750.45 in cash." The grandchild absolutely floored and about to become rich says, "Oh grandma, you are SO generous! I didn't even know you had a farm. Where is it?" With her last breath, Grandma whispered, "Facebook..."


(silkroad news and media). Retrieved from silk Road:
(fast company). Retrieved from
Common Craft. (n.d.). Retrieved from You
Community relations. (n.d.). Retrieved from Devianart:
Facebook jokes. (2014). Retrieved from jokes for
google images. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Marketers blog. (n.d.). Retrieved from Blog Notions:
George Waggott. (2011, Aug). social media policies in the workplace. Retrieved from Mcmillan:
workspan TV. (n.d.). Retrieved from you tube. com:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leena.

    Thank you for some of that insight full sharing and the LOLs, too.

    Back in the day, there were complaints and then performance policies and regulations surrounding use of company phone on company time for personal use. Welcome social media and new policies and regulations!

    According to this video - Social Media - Workplace Trends, by Palo Alto Networks (, "nearly 2/3rds of workers in North America are putting in more hours now than they did 3 years ago. The bandwidth on corporate networks has increased 5 times from 2010 to 2012 with use of web mail and social networking. Browser based file sharing services are now used on 92% of corporate networks, and streaming audio is used on 99% of corporate networks in the USA." All this tells us that organizations that aren’t up to speed, need to be on board with updating their systems, their policies and their legal arm with social media supporting tools and with the appropriate regulations. This will safeguard their employees and themselves from ramifications that could cost the company money and their brand reputation.

    Here are a couple of scenarios –

    This not-so-funny Funny Workplace Social Networking Gone Bad! ( video, by Valda Lazars, is typical of an employee being dismissive and indifferent about corporate policy and ethics surrounding technology and social media use/misuse.

    Here’s another one on unethical behaviour when using social media at the workplace. Check out The Office – ethics [] covering time theft in the first 26 seconds. It’s important to know what the work’s policies and guidelines are, before engaging in a new online activity at the workplace.

    On the flip side, companies should send out weekly e-blurbs to employees in a friendly tone with light heartedness, by way of an image or video, that reminds them of the corporations' position and policy surrounding use of the various social media platforms.

    Better safe than sorry!

    Have a good day, Leena.

