Friday 21 March 2014

Social Media and Education System

AS we know social media is dominating our communication mode. It is not only important in connecting and interacting with friends and family, but it is also very beneficial in academic and education system. Teachers from primary and middle schools to high schools and colleges and universities all make a good use of social media in teaching.
Conventional education system was very different. In past if we needed to do some research and gather some data for a project, we needed to go to the libraries and refer to books. But now everything is very easily and conveniently available anywhere we are. In past teaching techniques required more work from the teacher and more listening from students’ side. However, now it is more interactive and hybrid. Teaching and learning have changed into a two sided conversation.  Students can publish their own blogs, prezies or they can use other channels of social media for their projects. Everyone in the class can see and comment on each other’s projects. This creates a big connection and motivation in young generations or we can say the “digital generation”.
Learn Dash is showing some infographics of social media and blended learning which is intersting to look at.

According to an article by Learn Dash on growing use of social media in education, “roughly 59% of educators agree that the interactive nature of e learning and other mobile technologies create a better learning environment for students”. (Ferriman, 2013)
Some studies show that the use of social media has created more motivation in students and kids who are shy and do not normally participate in class discussions. There is no doubt that social media has brought facilities in different aspects of our lives. Social media has many advantages for us being students or teachers only if we incorporate it positively in to our system.
Teachers should always try to be good role models by using social media platforms effectively and efficiently. They should regularly educate students and young kids on the safe use of social media and the outcomes that inappropriate use of social media would have. (

Teachers no only use social media in their teaching, but also in staying connected with the parents and guardians.
Compass Learning recently did a survey and interviewed 30 educators including teachers, principals and superintendents and prepared a you tube video that I want to share with you here. (compass learing)

In past kids brought home letters from teachers and there were times that the letter was either misplaced before getting to the parents or it was forgotten in the backpacks for many days.  But now parents get phone calls, text messages, emails from teachers directly and also parents can be aware of their child progress through the school websites and can communicate with teachers if needed.

Some points for teachers to consider in using social media;
  • Social media should always be used appropriately and within the teaching scope.
  • No inappropriate comments, engagement or interactions between teachers and students using social media
  • Do not  use school tools and electronics for personal connections and interactions
  • Avoid exchange of texts, photos , videos and personal messages outside the classroom  
  • Only use the established education platform such as school website or school texting platform to stay connected with students and their parents
  • No connections and invitations to or from students out of teaching environment
  • Use the social media platform in a professional manner
  • Respect the confidentiality of students’ information (

Social media is growing to be useful at present and even more in future. It will bring even better facilities to future education system as new social media channels and new technologies are introduced to users.

As the right use of social media can help teachers with their jobs, the inappropriate use of social media can create issues and even unemployment for teachers as well.
Here is the interview of a teacher who was fired over face book comments (teacher fired over facebook post, 2011)

In summary, social media is a useful tool only if it is used wisely and appropriately. The use of social media is not limited to only few professions. Today social media is used widely in any organization at any size and by any profession.  And with this blog my series of  5 blogs come to an end. I hope you enjoyed reading my blogs.



teacher fired over facebook post. (2011, May 27). Retrieved from you tube:

compass learing. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Ferriman, J. (2013, November 11). learn Dash. Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leena,

    This blog, covering education and social media, is thoughtful and engaging. You seem to have your finger on the pulse of what is the educator’s responsibility when using social media. If you’re not on the PTA, you should be!

    While it’s know that social media sites can be misused, there is a great benefit when universities make it possible for students to collaborate and engage each other on projects without having to physically meet up, and to share ideas and help each other on various issues, all using social media. According to this video - Social Media for Education (, social media works as a learning tool as well. Educators assign projects via social media. In the marketing realm, universities use Facebook Ads to attract prospective students. These schools also use Twitter to help students with information sources like accommodations for new students. Other areas of interest that schools provide their students with surround information about educational and job fairs, trips and exchange programs which students then share or retweet. The old style notice boards, RSS Feeds and newsletters are being replaced by social media platforms to keep the students connected and involved in their curriculum and education.

    In this 21st Century Education video (, education leaders are making big changes to tackle 21st century skills, using technologies and "engaging students in diverse and creative ways". In Denmark, students are taking online exams and are allowed to use the internet but not communicate with other students. "Learning can happen anywhere and everywhere." Some schools in Australia allow students to take up internships at local companies as part of the learning curriculum. In fact, they have "national profession standards for the teachers and principals to ensure they meet the needs for 21st century learners".

    I have to tell you; as soon as I reached the end of that last YouTube video (‘…teacher fired over Facebook post’) in your blog, I quickly checked my phone’s settings! It’s so true that with system updates, you can’t tell if your existing settings were maintained or set back to default, unless you check them all. That’s just ridiculous. Let’s hope that by 2020, these networking sites get it right!

    Thank you for this opportunity to comment on your blogs, Leena.

    Wishing you success always.

